Maedler 83000100

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Combined filter-regulator without shut off valve, port G1/4
Material: Bowl: Polycarbonate. Housing: Zinc die-cast. O-ring seals: synthetic elastomers. Filter element: Polypropylene. Medium: Compressed Air. Operating temperature: -20°C to 65°C. For temperatures below +2°C please take the air properties into account. Operating pressure: max. 10 bar. Pressure range: 0.3 to 10 bar. Relief valve: Standard with relief valve. Pressure Gauge: Standard. Filter element: 40 micrometer standard. Bowl size (oiler): 0.04 litre. Max. flow: 13 l/s (connection G1/4, inlet pressure 10 bar. Set pressure: 6.3 bar, Øp = 1 bar). Draining: Manual. Oiler version: Micro-fog oiler.

Article ID: 83000100

Connector: G1/4
Stop Valve: Ohne
Weight [g]: 1122

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